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Missouri Section Emergency Coordinator

Missouri Section January 2023 Activity Report

It’s a new year. Punxsutawney Phil says 6 more weeks of winter but I am hoping he is wrong. There are a lot of operating opportunities coming up this year. Field Day and SET are in the near future and now is the time to start planning those activities. Volunteers on the Air is a …

Missouri ARES December 2022 Activity Report

The year 2022 is now in the can. It was quite a year. Missouri Section had a total of 2,801 operations with 23,106 hours reported in these operations. This is down slightly from 2021 of 23,962 hours reported. 2022 has 892 members reported vs. 928 members in 2021. We added a new Missouri Skills Book …

Missouri Section November Activity Report

Another year is just about in the books. We have had a lot of activity for the year so far. We have a number of new ECs appointed and one DEC for District D appointed. Two more are in the works now. Several SETs were successfully conducted this fall. Lessons were learned and new people …

Missouri Section Activity Report October 2022

I am pleased to announce the appointment of John Wall, K0EAV, to the position of District Emergency Coordinator for District D. John has served a Emergency Coordiator for Greene County for xx years. Please congratulate John on his appointment. Can you believe that the Holidays are just about on us? It seems like it just …