Missouri Section August 2024 Activity Report

The summer is basically over and we are sliding towards Fall, hopefully with cooler temperatures and a little less electric spent on AC. Fall also means that SET is coming in October. October 5th is the official day for SET but you can hold and report your SET through November. SET is a great opportunity …

Missouri Section July Activity Report

This report is a little late than normal but other important things have stolen my time to do this. The Section Digital Comm Plans are being reviewed by a committee of the District ECs and a few others that are deeply involved in digital communications. More to follow as we work our way through the …

Missouri Section June 2024 Activity Report

The month of June continued to be a active radio month in Missouri. Hours posted for Field Day lead the list followed by training ops and SkyWarn nets. Field Day was a hot one this year with temps in the high 90s. I hope everyone had a fun and interesting Field Day. The next big …

Missouri Section ARES May Activity Report

Skywarn® operations continue to have a lot of activity during the month of May as the severe weather continues to hit the Section. This month had 601 hours of spotting activity. Hopefully, as summer approaches, the weather will calm down and we can just have a hot summer. Speaking of which, don’t forget to stay …