The year 2022 is now in the can. It was quite a year. Missouri Section had a total of 2,801 operations with 23,106 hours reported in these operations. This is down slightly from 2021 of 23,962 hours reported. 2022 has 892 members reported vs. 928 members in 2021.
We added a new Missouri Skills Book to the web library. This book lists the skills for the 3 ARES levels of activity. It mirrors the ARRL Task Manual with the except that it can be modified by the local AHJ for the skills required by the local AHJ. Download the book and get you amateur radio communication skills documented.
I want to thank the ARES leadership for their support in 2022 for reporting the activities in the Section. I also want to give a big thanks to all of the Section members for their support of ARES and the support given to the local agencies that you serve with your own time and equipment. May we continue to grow in our activities in 2023 and our personal skills.
District News:
District A: Richard Fretwell, DEC
Benton Co. –
- BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. KR1STL ran the Region A Healthcare Net in December with KE0AVT as back up operator. There were 19 check ins with 8 being from Healthcare facilities.
Cass Co. –
- Training on FEMA is0100c continues. Planning a face to face at my QTH for January. Met with Belton PD, Raymore Em and Cass County Sheriffs Dept. Reviewed and verified equipment in Belton PD ICC. Met with Cass county emergency committee. Continuing ARES nets on SSARC repeater. Verified equipment functionality on 2m fldigi, flmsg and faamp.
NL ARES December meeting.
- Members gathered at a popular Northland BarBQ facility to share an evening of Great food & Grog. Holiday plans that were shared, did not include the “Polar Express” that would blanket the area with Sub-Zero temps three days prior to Christmas weekend.
NL ARES Digital Training Net –
- New operators were welcomed to the net during December. The active net members shared Hints that were helpful in getting the newcomers acquainted with procedures. Net activities for Christmas Day were canceled so everyone could enjoy time with family and friends. The Net activity will resume operation on January 1, 2023. Happy New Year – Best wishes to all in the coming year.
DECEMBER 2022 “MODES” “Missouri Digital Emergency Service”
- MODES 3.598 MHz Thursday 10:00 am CST. FIVE sessions QNI 84 QTC 10 45 hours. ZOOM Mtg concurrently for Technical Discussion. NCS utilizies FSQcall triggers to expedite responses from participating stations. Additional “MODES” info at FLdigi-FSQ or FSQcall for net interaction. New members are welcome. KA0OTL Jeff, Net mgr.
District H:
Grundy Co. –
- Simulated Emergency Test along with Livingston Co.
Livingston Co.-
- SET: digital prep nets x 2, and exercise with 5 participants using FM Simplex phone & MT-63 for an ice storm communicating for public agencies & hospital.
- Wind Chill Warning net: ran for 48 hours with continuous monitoring of our 2 linked repeaters.
The following ae the operations and volunteer hours report for December 2022 along wit the year totals:
Happy New Year to all and 73,
Jeff KB3HF
Missouri SEC