Category «Monthly Section Report»

Missouri Section October 2023 Activity Report

The year is flying along with October in the books. Many groups held their SET during the month and I hope everyone that participated learned more about emergency communications. You never can practice enough to be ready for the real need of communications when things go wrong. With the seasons changing, don’t forget to update …

Missouri Section September 2023 Activity Report

It seems like the season has finally figured out what the correct temperatures should be. Saturday, October 7th was a beautiful day for the official time for the annual Simulated Emergency Test ( SET). St. Charles County ARES held their exercise “Operation Aware”. The purpose of the exercise was to test passing of tactical traffic …

Missouri Section August 2023 Activity Report

September is fast approaching and that means it’s Simulated Emergency Test time. Each of our ARES groups should formulate and hold a simulated exercise. This is an important annual event to test our capabilities with communications outside of our usual shacks. Cole County has submitted examples of their 2022 SET Handbook and After Action Report. …

Missouri Section July 2023 Activity Report

Severe weather continues to happen in Missouri with many severe thunderstorms and some tornados this month. Skywarn® operations this month reported a total of 44 operations with 494.3 hours of service spotting the weather for our neighbors. Skywarn ops combined with all of our other reported activities for July resulted in a total of 209 …