The new Missouri Section ARES® Communications Plan and Handbook is released for October 2024. This handbook contains the revised Missouri Section Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), the Missouri Section VHF/UHF Interoperability Plan, and the revised Missouri Section Digital Data Communications Resource Guide into one document. It is posted on the ARES-MO website in the plans tab.
One of the important revisions in the EOP is the expanded role for the Missouri Emergency Services Net (MESN). MESN will not only continue to be responsible for coordinating and passing Section tactical voice traffic but will also be responsible for arranging digital communications in those cases where event traffic is too long or detailed to be reliably and quickly passed by voice. Because there are a number of digital modes available now and some areas of the Section have their preferred local digital mode, any intra-section digital traffic will need a coordination net to arrange communications with various stations around the Section. Just as voice stations on the net are directed to move off the net main frequency to pass voice traffic, so will stations with digital traffic except the net will find a receiving station that has a common digital mode available with the sending station. All digital traffic will initially be coordinated with voice. Please download and read the new EOP.
An additional document that is posted to the ARES-MO website is a Digital Data Modes Operations/Transmissions Guide written by Ken Humbertson, W0KAH. This guide describes useful tips on digital data communications.
Dale Bagley, K0KY, has resigned as DEC for District B. Dale has held that position for many years and has decided it was time to have someone else take the job. His work in the support of ARES is very much appreciated. I wish Dale all the best in his “retirement”. Don Vary, KD0HHN, has be appointed the new DEC for District B.
District News:
District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC
- Cass Co.- Ccmoares hosted a member antenna building exercise and it was open to the public. A tape measure 3 element 2 meter yagi antenna was built from pvc, wire, coaxial cable and 1 inch tape measure materials provided by members. From this exercise, 3 new members were signed up. Work continues on the 2.4ghz aredn mesh network to expand it into Cass county. The mesh system is connected to the internet tunnel system with service to Warrensburg, lee’s summit and Kansas City.
A meshtastic mesh network is being developed for using spec5 equipment, but other equipment is being tested to see if it is compatible. Currently a relay is planned to be on a 50 ft tower. This system is for local Raymore/Belton message communications and will be total off the grid and encrypted. - Clay/Platte Cos: – MECC SETExercise: Clay and Platte County EOC’s activated providing Voice, Digital, andWinLink comm’s for the event. The Missouri MESN net activated for HF voice comms. NCS – KF4MXF, Linda, Laclede County, reported seven counties provided comm’s across the state. Regional Net message traffic to SEMA via WinLink – Clay County EOC.
- Jackson Co. – MECC SET Exercise conducted on Oct 5th.
District D: Tim Ryder, N5STP, DEC
- Barton and Jasper Cos. – Supported a Maple Leaf bike ride in Carthage MO.
- Greene Co. – Supported a wellness for warriors-Russell Weller Bike Ride and a healthcare coalition net.
District H:
- Livingston Co. – Monthly meeting reviewed & demonstrated VarAC using VARA FM.
The following are the statistic for the month of October with 31 counties reporting:

73 and Happy Thanksgiving,
Jeff KB3HF
Missouri SEC