Category «Misc.»

Net Manager Appointment

Missouri Section Manager Cecil Higgins, AC0HA, has appointed Bill Schrock, N0UMP, Net Manager for the Missouri Traffic Net and the Missouri Emergency Services Net (MESN) effective immediately. Both nets are held on 3963 kHz (80m) and with a backup of 7263 kHz (40m) depending on propagation. The Missouri Traffic Net meets daily at 1745 hours. …

Missouri Section 2020 Digital Data Communications Committee Formed

I have had a number of requests to update the 2004 Digital data addendum to the Statewide Emergency Operations Plan for ARES as it is very outdated. Many new modes and capabilities have been created in the last 15 years. In order to facilitate this process, I put out a request for volunteers from around …

Media Hit for Amateur Radio

Samantha Henley, KE0LMY, EC for Benton County, MO. has written and published an article about ARES and CERT. To read her article, click on Read More and click the link.  KE0LMY Article – CERT and ARES 73, Jeff Young, KB3HF Missouri Section EC

Missouri Amateur Radio Parity Act (MARPA)

By now you should have heard from the ARRL that the Amateur Radio Parity Act, the Federal version, did not get through the US Senate but was tabled as a result of one Senator, Bill Nelson (Democrat), of Florida.  This was the same Bill (HR-1301) that had received unanimous voice vote and passed without objection …