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Missouri Section Emergency Coordinator

Amateur Radio Week Proclamation

Governor Mike Parson has issued a Governor’s Proclamation proclaiming June 19 – June 25, 2023 Amateur Radio Week in Missouri celebrating Amateur Radio and Amateur Radio Operators in conjunction with ARRL Field Day 2023. Thanks to Steve Wooten, KC0QMU, ADEC for District C Missouri Section for requesting the proclamation from the Governor’s Office. You can …

Missouri Emergency Service Net Announcement

To All Missouri Section Amateur Radio Operators: The Missouri Emergency Services Net (MESN) is a directed net held weekly on Sundays at 2:00 pm (1400 Hours). The operating frequency will be 3.963 MHz +/- with a backup of 7.263 MHz +/- depending on favorable band conditions. If you have HF capabilities, you are welcome to …

MESN Net Inquiry

The following email was sent to all Section ARRL members. In case your are a member of ARES but not an ARRL member, here is the email about the Missouri Emergency Services Net requesting interest in the weekly net. To All Missouri Section ARES Members: There is interest being expressed in activating the Missouri Emergency …

Net Manager Appointment

Missouri Section Manager Cecil Higgins, AC0HA, has appointed Bill Schrock, N0UMP, Net Manager for the Missouri Traffic Net and the Missouri Emergency Services Net (MESN) effective immediately. Both nets are held on 3963 kHz (80m) and with a backup of 7263 kHz (40m) depending on propagation. The Missouri Traffic Net meets daily at 1745 hours. …