Missouri has 114 counties plus the City of St. Louis for a total of 114 potential ARES® groups. As of my last count, Missouri has 14,236 hams listed in the call sign database. Of course not all the hams listed are active and some may unfortunately be SK’s.
We currently have Emergency Coordinators in 61 locations, which means that we have potential openings for 53 new ARES® groups. At first glance, it may seem like we are way short of having the entire state covered but in many cases we have counties that only have 2 hams or even up to 10 or 12. It’s very hard to create an active ARES® group without any hams to be involved. We also have counties with over 200 hams without an ARES® group – A great potential for someone to get involved and start a ARES® group.
If you are interested — Please download this ARES-Member-Registration-Form, save it and email it to the address below.
Email kb3hf@arrl.net
Phone 314-609-1053
Jeff Young KB3HF Section Emergency Coordinator ARES – Missouri Section