Category «Missouri ARES»

Missouri Section June 2023 Activity Report

Field Day is now over and I have received notes that many operations were successful and had good public relations. Field Day has always been a great exercise and a chance to Elmer new hams in setting up and operating away from home. In St. Charles County, our ARES group had a number of hams …

Missouri Section May 2023 Activity Report

June is the meteorological start of summer and radio activity turns to outside, warmer weather. June is the month for the VHF Contest and the granddaddy of them all, Field Day. Hopefully your Field Day plans are in preparation and I hope we have great weather. Field Day is an exercise in communications and setup …

Missouri Section April 2023 Activity Report

April turned out to be the month of seasonal change this year bringing a lot of severe weather to our Section. There were 41 Skywarn® ops this month for a total of 344 hours of weather spotting reported. Training ops continue to be a large part of the ARES activity with 1352 hours reported as …

Missouri Section March 2023 Activity Report

March sure turned out to the be the seasonal change month here in Missouri with wildly fluctuating temperatures and the accompanying severe weather and tornadoes. There were 28 Skywarn Nets/Operations in March for a total of 427 volunteer hours. The Statewide Tornado drill was held on March 7th with many of our ARES® groups calling …