February finished with 1342 hours donated in ARES service. We have 3006 total number for the first two months. Details are below.
March is here and that means the start of severe weather season for Missouri although it seems to be that season almost year round now. Supporting SkyWarn is one of the largest activities performed by ARES members. Attend a NWS Spotter training seminar this year. Check your local NWS website for the training times both in person or online. Be prepared and have a plan for severe weather.
District News and Comments:
District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC
- 2/27 NL ARES monthly meeting in person, a comprehensive presentation on the use of APRS resources in amateur radio by Keith WA0TJT.
District B: Don Vary, KD0HHN, DEC
- Marion Co: – Doing simplex check-ins on 146.570 after Monday night nets. Giving me an idea of coverage. Also will be starting NTS training at monthly club meetings.
District C: Bill Grimsbo, N-PNP, DEC
- Jefferson Co: – Continued preparations for drill to coincide with the Statewide Tornado Drill on 3/5/25. Continued development of joint exercise we’ll be conducting with Jefferson County EOC to test our deployment readiness. This exercise to scheduled for 4/1/25. Lori Robinson KB0WWQ
- Warren Co. – 4 sessions / 23 checkins / 5hrs / no radio traffic Luther Oswalt KA0CWU
District H:
- Grundy Co. – VarAC net, training: Table Top exercise with Grundy Co Em Mgr, EMS, local businesses, college, nursing home, HD. 2/19
- Livingston Co. – Conducted a VarAC practice net on HF & FM.
Missouri Emergency Services Net:
- MESN monthly net report for February 2025: Sessions-4 / QNI-123 / QTC-4. KF4MXF Linda Lathrop NC
The following are the activities and volunteer hours for Missouri ARES:
41 out of 59 ECs reporting. 7 DECs reporting.

Jeff KB3HF
Missouri SEC