Missouri Section January 2025 Activity Report

The first month of the year has come and gone with a very interesting snow storm and cold temperatures. Numerous nets were held to support the bad weather and traveler’s moving through the state.

In the next few days, I will be contacting all of the ECs in the Section. The purpose is two fold. One, I need to get an up to date membership count by the counties. I see monthly summary totals from the DECs but I don’t know from what counties the counts are coming from.

Two, we need to get better reporting from the ECs. This month, only 60% of the ECs submitted reports. One of responsiblities of holding the EC position is monthly reporting. ECs need to report even if there is no activity for the month in the group. You can at least submit your membership numbers and all zeros for the activities. If there is no reporting from the EC, we don’t know if the group even exists anymore. Reporting only takes a few minutes a month. Please start to report monthly.

District News & Comments

District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC

  • Benton Co. – BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets.
  • Cass Co. – Coordinated snow storm conditions with skywarn. Demonstrated starlink moblie at January meeting. Attended the Cass county em meeting and provided information that afmars stations can support local emergencies with proper approval from the AFMARS chief.
  • Clay/Platte Cos. – 1/4/25 Blizzard WX Planning meeting with EC/AECs via ZOOM. 1/24/25 Monthly meeting held via ZOOM due to WX related events, Extreme cold/Wind chill forecast.

District B: Don Vary, KD0HHN, DEC

  • Adair County will be doing Technician class at health dept. Hopefully some more members up there.

District H:

  • Livingston Co. – SkyWARN 01/05 for Blizzard Warning, net duration 16 hrs. Many non-ARES participants. Meeting: Spotter Training (2 hrs). 3 non-ARES attendees

Missouri Emergency Services Net:

  • This is the MESN monthly net report for January 2025: Sessions-4 / QNI-124 /QTC-4. KF4MXF Linda Lathrop NC for MESN

The follow are the statistics for the activites and hours reported for the month of January. 35 out of 59 ECs reporting:


Jeff KB3Hf