Missouri Section August 2024 Activity Report

The summer is basically over and we are sliding towards Fall, hopefully with cooler temperatures and a little less electric spent on AC. Fall also means that SET is coming in October. October 5th is the official day for SET but you can hold and report your SET through November. SET is a great opportunity to exercise your go kit and practice your on air skills when sending exercise tactical traffic during the exercise. Using tactical calls is good practice for real events as the tactical call remains with the particular emergency site and not the individual amateur operator. Please send your SET reports to me and the ARRL using the SET report forms online. Good luck with your SET exercises.

District News and Comments:

District A – Richard Fretwell, W0KFR, DEC

  • Benton Co. – BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets.
  • Cass Co. – A special zoom meeting was held to view the haiti earth quake and the mass casulty eoc response, treatment, eoc communications and aid stations with transportation
  • Clay/Platte Cos. – October 5th SET exercise updates were shared with members.GO-Kit updates reviewed along with the addition of battery packs. John KD0NBH Program – Welcome to YAAC – “Yet Another APRS Client” Thanks to Keith, WA0TJT for an enlightening APRS presentation.

District D – Tim Ryder, N5STR, DEC

  • We had a District D meeting at the Joplin Hamfest with six of our counties represented and the Region D SEMA Rep was present as well. Over all, it was a successful meeting.

District F – J.D. Simmons, WA0BER, DEC

  • District F DEC & ADEC leading DECs and others in current update of Mo-ARES Digital Data Guide

District I

  • Pulaski Co. – Attended MO ARES Digital Mode meeting

The following are the volunteer hours and events reported by the Section for the month of August. 34 of the 64 ECs reported this month.


Jeff KB3HF

Missouri Section EC