Missouri Section September 2024 Activity Report

The Missouri Section ARES® Skills Book Version 1.1 is now available for download in the forms of this website. Page 4 has been updated to reflect the 3 new ARRL EmComm courses and remove the two EmComm courses the were deleted/superseded. If you have completed or are completing your skills book, you can just print page 4 instead of the entire book to update your book. If you have completed the two older EmComm courses, great. You don’t have to do the new courses unless you just want to get a update on the latest thinking & training for EmComm. Basic and Intermediate EmComm is online now. The Advanced EmComm is coming soon. I personally will try to take the courses this winter on the cold days when it’s best to stay put in a warm house.

October is SET month. St. Charles Co. held their SET on the 5th and it was a good day of training and finding out what works & doesn’t work. When the exercise was competed, we held a hot wash along with hotdogs, chips & drinks. Free food brings out the membership for an exercise. Keep that in mind when planning your SET. The MESN was also brought up for a half hour for groups doing their exercise. There was a good number of check-ins on the 9:30 AM net.

District News:

District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC

  • BENTON Co. – BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets.
  • CLAY/PLATTE Cos. – National Night Out Sept. 10 Liberty, Missouri Clay County Sheriff’s Office, Liberty Police and Fire departments with multiple units and displays were presented by each group. Among these, The Northland ARES booth shared Amateur Radio operations with active station demonstrations utilizing Battery powered equipment. The weekly ARES Net operation with Net control from the event was viewed by visitors that had many questions about Amateur Radio.

The following is the statistics for the month of September 2024:


Jeff KB3HF

Missouri SEC