Skywarn® operations very busy this month with 47 operations for a total of 694 hours spent weather spotting. It seems that the weather is definitely getting more severe. A number of tornados stuck the state and ARES was there to support NWS Skywarn. Thanks to all of the ARES ops who spent time watching the weather and helping keep their communities safe.
Field Day is approaching next month. Plan to participate with your local group or individually. It’s great practice with communications and short messages. Setting up your equipment, getting it operating properly, and stowing it for the next deployment is a good way to practice your skills.
District Information:
District A: – Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC
NL ARES Meeting – NBEMS Open source Digital programs FLdigi, FLmsg, & FLamp were reviewed in a manner that provided info for New users to become familiar with the programs. Using a computer local sound card provides operators a resource to develop skills with the digital programs without the need for a radio connection. Trained operators use this to develop “Macros” etc that are used to expedite digital data transfer.
SKYWARN WX Four Events – Escalated Weather events throughout the month kept ARES operators alert.
- April 1, A strong thunderstorm will impact northern Lleavenworth, Southeastern Atchison and Platte counties through 600 pm CDT.
- April 16, NWS Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO Issues a Tornado Warning (Hail <.75 IN ) for Clay MO, Clinton MO, Platte MO Mid-morning an EF-1 Tornado created power outages and significant building damage in the Smithville Lake area.
- April 27, NWS Chat Northland ARES Clay-Platte in standby mode NWS Kansas City/Pleasant Hill MO Continues the Tornado Watch for Clay MO, Jackson MO, Johnson KS, Leavenworth KS, Platte MO, Randolph MO, Ray MO, Saline MO, Wyandotte KS.
- April 30, in the afternoon a line of Level 3 storms moved across the Northland that leftmany with power outages and hail damage. Preparing for the event it was discovered that the 146.790 primary repeater was out of service due to WX related issues. NWS Chat NL ARES Platte-Clay Counties MO weather net has been activated. 147.330 (151.4) is primary.
Jackson Co. – Conducted Mini-SET from home QTH, outside of ham shack. Using alternative power sources.
The following are the operations and hours spent for the month of April 2024:

Jeff KB3HF
Missouri SEC