Missouri Section February Activity Report

It looks like winter has ended early in Missouri and it’s time to think about severe weather season. If you haven’t attended a NWS Spotting training session, try to attend one and brush up your weather skills. Skywarn® is a very valuable service that the amateur radio operators in Missouri provide for their communities and NWS. Weather radar is a great tool but nothing surpasses actual ground truth real time observations.

The solar eclipse is coming to the southern and eastern parts of Missouri next month on April 8th. It’s an exciting event to observe when the sun is completely covered by the moon. The MESN will be activated on April 8th from 1230 hours to 1530 hours CDT in support of the solar event. The operating frequency is 7263 kHz +/- QRM LSB. Feel free to check into the net and/or monitor the net during the activation. MESN will pass any needed traffic if requested.

District News:

District A – Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC

  • BENTON Co.: BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets.
  • CASS Co.: Attended the Cass Emergency Management meeting in February. Four nets were conducted in February for CCMOARES. Five activity members now have Winlink VARAFM capability with the Igate in Raymore. The Igate has a 50 miles range. Next meeting is march 9th, posted on Facebook Cass County Missouri ARES.
  • CLAY/PLATTE Cos.: The program for the February. A comprehensive presentation on WinLink Express
    An introduction for new users, A refresher for Current users. The net operates on Sunday at 8:00 PM CST. The repeater info for net ops, 147.330 ( 151.4 ) NBEMS programs, FLdigi, FLamp, & FLmsg
    FLdigi FSQ – FSQcall Net operations are currently the focus of training. New operators to Digital communications are welcome to join the training.
  • JOHNSON Co.: Members attended the National Weather Service storm spotters training.
  • JACKSON Co.: Members attended the National Weather Service storm spotters training.

The following are the ARES volunteer activity and hours reported for February:


Jeff KB3HF