November is over and the turkey has been digested. The end of the year is fast approaching. I want to thank the membership for all of your support of ARES in the Missouri Section. It has been a busy year and hopefully this last month will be a quiet one so attention can be focused on the upcoming holidays. May your holidays be happy and bright and hopefully Santa Claus will add to your shack.
District News and Comments:
District A — Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC
- Benton Co. – BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. BC ARES assisted with communications during the Benton County Heritage Days, held on October 21, 2023.
- Cass Co. – November 11, 2023N Mtg: NTS training net every Wednesday on 146.88 repeater e-mail network, Other modes of communication were also mentioned—JS-Call, fldigi and AF MARS.
- Clay/Platte Cos. – Nov Meeting: The program “Net Control Manager” a comprehensive presentation by the Author of NCM, Keith Kaiser WA0TJT.
- November 2023 “MODES” “Missouri Digital Emergency Service”MODES 3.598 MHz Thursday 10:00 am CDT. Five sessions QNI 59 QTC 9 25 hours. Additional testing on 7.090 Mhz during Daylight hours provided communications info for future net operations for Primary/Secondary frequencies. ZOOM Mtg concurrently for Technical Discussion.
- Johnson Co. – NTS training net every Wednesday on 146.88 repeater
District H:
- Livingston Co.- Meeting: organization discussion for 2024. Will go to quarterly meeting + poss quarterly exercise.
The following is the statistics for the month of November, 2023:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All,
Jeff KB3HF
Missouri SEC