The Missouri Section continues to be active with just short of 2000 hours are training, public service and Skywarn® Ops reported. I appreciate all of the volunteer service that is being given to the various groups and agencies within the section.
The weather has been changing to the cool side and that means cold weather is on the horizon. Don’t forget to check your Go Kits and make the seasonal changes required to be comfortable and safe in the coming cold weather. Never hurts to do it now before the occasion may arise and your kit is needed quickly.
District News & Comments
District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC
- Benton County:
BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. NX0IA ran the Region A Healthcare Net in September with KE0AVT as back up operator. There were 15 check ins with 5 being from Healthcare facilities. - Clay/Platte:
NL ARES September meeting. The SET planners reviewed guidelines for the Oct 1st event. With two EOC’s in operation along with two teams in the field all players were ready. To support field operations another Crossband test was provided to help all teams prepare for communications. - NL ARES Digital Training net. Digital comm’s using area repeaters for training was reviewed The use of digital communications using VHF/UHF & HF frequencies simplex were the focus of training. Exercises conducted added confidence in the event Repeater systems have failed. Net Control Manager is utilized to Log all ARES/MODES events along with providing permanent records of operations
- Jackson County:
Held Quarterly meeting to train for the SET exercise on Oct 1, 2022. - Johnson County
Johnson County MO will be doing a joint SET with Pettis county on 10-29-22 - SEPTEMBER 2022 “MODES” “Missouri Digital Emergency Service”.
MODES 3.985 MHz Thursday 10:00 am CST. FIVE sessions QNI 71 QTC 8 28 hours. ZOOM Mtg for Technical Discussion. NCS utilizes FSQcall triggers to expedite responses from participating stations. Additional “MODES” info at FLdigi-FSQ or FSQcall for net interaction. New members are welcome. NCS KA0OTL Jeff, Net mgr.
District C: William Grimsbo, N0PNP, DEC
- St. Charles Co. participated in the St. Charles Co. Police Department Open House – Public Service Event for St. Charles County.
District D:
- Greene Co. – We had two community events this month, one of the was a two day event. The MS Bike was the two day one and the Pregnancy Care Center Walk for Life was a morning event. John Wall, K0EAV, EC
District F: – J.D. Simmons, WA0BER, DEC
- Boone and Cole counties are planning for a joint SET in November.
District H:
- Livingston Co. – 09/17 Grundy Co Disaster Exercise. 09/27 ARES Meeting: Public Service Events, Cross-Band Repeater Operation. Joe Dietrick, KC0NOX, EC
September Activity Statistics: 38 Counties and 7 DECs reporting
Watch out for the ghosts and goblins at the end of the month of October.
Jeff KB3HF
Missouri Section EC