Missouri Section July Activity Report

July has sure lived up to it’s summer temperatures. A lot of of high temperature records were set around the state. Then at the end of July, mother nature let loose the waters and severe flash flooding occurred in the eastern part of the state. My QTH received 14.5 inches in a little less than 48 hours. I haven’t received any reports of armature radio activity related to the floods as the communications infrastructure did not seem to go down.

District News & Comments:

District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC

Benton County:

  • BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. KR1STL ran the Region A Healthcare Net in July with KE0AVT as back up operator. There were 17 check ins with 7 being from Healthcare facilities.

Jackson County:

  • Continue to meet with MECC SET planning group for exercise on 10-1-22
  • Northand ARES meeting – The program “How would you communicate” introduced various scenarios as problems to be resolved. Equipment and Resources available for each problem were listed. ARES members divided into teams to solve each situation. The results were shared in an open discussion among the group. The teams worked well together to resolve each situation. Our Thanks to Dennis Carpenter KA0SXY for the enlightening exercise.
  • Northland ARES Digital Training Net – The training for July covered the various ICS Forms that are required during an Activation. The purpose of each form, Details to preparation, and the timing was covered. The methods of processing each type of form using the NBEMS related software are part of the training. ICS 205, ICS 205A, ICS 309 were covered. The ICS 213 & ICS 213RR are part of the ongoing training. Net details Sunday 8:00 PM CDT 147.330 (151.4) New operators are welcomed.
  • WIN for KC TRYATHLON Smithville Lake July 30th – Benton County:
    BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. KR1STL ran the Region A Healthcare Net in July with KE0AVT as back up operator. There were 17 check ins with 7 being from Healthcare facilities.
  • The weather was perfect for the hundreds of participants during the various events. Radio Communications was provided by members of the NL ARES. Details with comments https://net-control.us/ Net # 6923 Event details maybe reviewed at https://www.sportkc.org/win-for-kc/tryathlon
  • JULY 2022 “MODES” “Missouri Digital Emergency Service”- MODES 3.985 MHz Thursday 10:00 am CST. FOUR sessions QNI 64 QTC 8 50 hours. ZOOM Mtg for Technical Disscusion. NCS utilizies FSQcall triggers to expedite responses from participating stations. Additional “MODES” info at https://modes.groups.io/g/main/topics. FLdigi-FSQ or FSQcall for net interaction. New members are welcome. NCS KA0OTL Jeff, Net mgr.

District B: Dale Bagley, K0KY, DEC

  • District was Hot, Humid but no Floods, Tornados or earthquakes.

District C: Bill Grimsbo, N0PNP, DEC

St. Louis Metro:

  • Weekly 2 meter voice nets: The weekly ARES® 2 meter resources net operates on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM Central Time. The net is on the W0SRC repeater, frequency 146.850 (-) MHz, tone 141.3 Hz. All amateur operators are invited to participate. Next net is Wednesday, August 3, 2022, 7:30 PM.
  • Immediately following the resources net is the weekly ARES® message practice session. A test message is read over the air to give you an opportunity to practice copying down formal traffic.
  • Weekly Winlink net: This net is held to learn how to send and receive messages via Winlink, and to add new capabilites, such as using forms, to your skills. The Net Control Operator sends his instructions to the Winlink group net some time on Wednesdays. Group members pick up his message when they are able and perform the exercise he has given. Send a message to KD0PMW@Winlink.org and ask to be added to the group.

District I: Linda Lathrop, KF4MXF, DEC

  • Did have the opportunity to participate in a VE session in GA. 3 Hams for 2 hrs.
  • Attended the Lebanon Amateur Radio club meeting as an ARES representative.

The following are the reported activities and hours for the month of July for Missouri Section:

Thanks for all the service to ARES by the members of Missouri Section.


Jeff KB3HF

Missouri Section EC