We’re halfway through the year already and lots of activities are happening and have happened. Field Day was hot and stormy this year. I received a number of FD messages for the 100 point bonus. Thanks to those who set the messages. Field Day is always unpredictable weather wise. It’s a good exercise in dealing with the elements as well as participating in a communications exercise. Hopefully, all the FD ARES groups had a fun weekend and good food. What’s Field Day without a cookout.
We had two media hits in the July QST. Barry Doyle, AC0WL, District E ADEC and Bollinger County EC had a letter to the editor published that reminds us to warn Non-Hams During Emergencies. His letter is on page 24 of July QST.
Bill McFarland, N0AXZ, Boone County EC and Matt Brown, KC9UJC, had their picture in the SET 2021 report on page 65. Both are shown operating from the joint Communications Center and Emergency Operations Center in Boone County during the Boone County SET which was simulating an earthquake response exercise. Congratulations to Barry and Bill.
District News:
District A – Richard Fretwell W0KRF, DEC
Benton Co:
- BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. KE0LMZ ran the Region A Healthcare Net in June with KE0AVT as back up operator. There were 19 check ins with 6 being from healthcare facilities.
Clay/Platte Cos:
- JUNE “Extreme Weather Events” in the Northland kept NL ARES operators on alert.
- 6/8/22 Tornados developed after Midnight. 1:10 AM CDT: EF-1 Johnson County, KS to Jackson County, MO. 1:37 AM CDT: EF-2 Northeast Jackson County, MO.
Full report https://www.weather.gov/eax/June08_Tornadoes - 6/11/22 NWS Tornado warnings Platte & Clay counties. 9:45 PM CDT to 12:30 AM CDT NL ARES WX Net
- 6/14/22 Rapid development – Strong Thunderstorms. 6:30 PM CDT to 7:30 PM CDT NL ARES WX Net
- The monthly meeting hosted by Platte County Sheriff Dept. Dep. Mike Oneal presented “Activation” what to anticipate when an ARES team is called for support.
The Amateur Radio Communication systems at the facility were reviewed. The Comm’s systems are part of the Northwest Mo Digital VHF Simplex operation. - MODES 3.985 MHz Thursday 10:00 am CDT.
FIVE sessions QNI 78 QTC 12 26 hours. ZOOM Mtg for Technical Discussion. NCS utilizes FSQcall triggers to expedite responses from participating
stations. Additional “MODES” info at https://modes.groups.io/g/main/topics . FLdigi-FSQ or FSQcall for net interaction. New members are welcome.
NCS KA0OTL Jeff, Net mgr.
Jackson Co:
- Quarterly meeting held on Jun 4th. Completed new member training, Updated ID badges, General discussion
District I – Linda Lathrop KF4MXF, DEC
- A new CERT group has started up in Lebanon, MO.
The following are the statistics reported for the month of June 2022:
We had has 34 out of 63 counties reporting along with 8 of our DECs.
Jeff KB3HF
Missouri Section EC