Missouri Section March 2022 Activity Report

March came in like a lion and went out like a lion. Severe weather happened a number of times across the state this month. There were 22 reports of Skywarn® events around the Section for the bad weather. April has continued with the same bad weather. If you have not had a weather spotter class for a while, check the NWS site near you for classes this year. They are being offered both in-person and virtually this year by NWS. It never hurts to refresh your skills. Insure that your home is weather ready with extra water, supplies, flashlights, batteries, and of course, your amateur radios.

District News:

District A: Richard Fretwell, W0KRF, DEC

  • Benton Co. – BC ARES Members participated in the following nets: MTN, MESN, ARES, Region A Healthcare, and various club nets. KE0LMZ ran the Region A Healthcare Net in March with KE0AVT as backup operator. There were 23 check-ins with 9 being from Healthcare facilities.
  • Clay/Platte Cos. – Missouri Statewide Tornado Drill March 8, 2022 KCNARES Tornado Drill – Net operation to monitor Siren operations. Reports from Jackson, Clay, Platte, & Clinton counties confirmed proper operation. One report received of a Siren in Clay county that had been out of service for over a year had returned to service. NLARES > NCS K0KEX https://net-control.us/#5942
  • KC Northland ARES Meeting March 24 The meeting was called to order by KA0SXY, Dennis reviewed ARES business with a focus
    on the Liberty Hospital Half Marathon planning. Steve, KD0FUE, shared the latest details from the Marathon planning team. In attendance were ARES members along were operators from the Liberty Emergency Radio Club that have signed up to support
    communications for the event. The March program was presented by KD0NBH, John’s “Winlink Primer” which was well done, providing information to New users as well as those currently familiar with the system. The focus on using Winlink on VHF/HF radio using Sound modem interface (UZ7HO) and Vara FM – Vara HF.
  • Liberty Hospital Half Marathon March 26. The Third largest Half Marathon in the Kansas City area “KCNARES” members assisted in the coordination of transportation, progress of the runners, and support for those with medical issues.
    The “Liberty Emergency Radio Club” provided Communications for the event. A new UHF repeater covered the Marathon course very well. Logging utilized “Net Control Manager” https://net-control.us/#6040 Congratulations to all the Marathon participants for a job well done.
  • Spring Weather Event March 29. As the evening activities were coming to a close “WX ALERT” Severe weather approaching the northland. With a rapidly approaching line of storms, NLARES opened a WX net at 8:29 PM CDT. During the following hours reports of Rain, Hail, and High winds were reported. Reports of eight Tornados across the area as the line moved across the Metro area. Around 10:40 PM CDT the line had moved away from the Northland. The line of storms reportedly produced notable damage in the St. Joseph area. Around midnight additional Tornado alerts were reported near Clinton, Missouri south of the Kansas City area. NLARES NCS WX net> k0kex
  • Jackson Co. – Held First Quarterly in-person meeting at KCMO EOC. Presented information on credentialing and digital operations. Held Go-Kit Fair with information on building and displays of member’s kits. Two new members applied.
  • “MODES” “Missouri Digital Emergency Service”
    3.985 MHz USB Thursday 10:00 am CDT. FIVE sessions QNI 87 QTC 7 33 hours. ZOOM Mtg for Technical Discussion.
    NCS utilizes FSQcall triggers to expedite responses from participating stations. Additional “MODES” info at https://modes.groups.io/g/main/topics. FLdigi-FSQ or FSQcall for net interaction. New members are welcome. NCS KA0OTL Jeff, Net mgr.

District H:

  • Livingston Co. – Severe Weather Spotting education. 5 non-ARES Amateur Operators also attended.

The following report is the number of events and volunteer hours reported for the month of March 2022:

Have a safe April.


Jeff KB3HF

Missouri SEC