The following email was sent to all Section ARRL members. In case your are a member of ARES but not an ARRL member, here is the email about the Missouri Emergency Services Net requesting interest in the weekly net.
To All Missouri Section ARES Members:
There is interest being expressed in activating the Missouri Emergency
Services Net (MESN) on a weekly basis. The net will be held on Sundays
at 2 PM. The operating frequency will be 3.963 MHz +/- with a backup of
7.263 MHz +/-. The purpose of this message is to gage the interest of
the Missouri Section membership in serving as a Net Control Operators
and/or Relay Stations to conduct the net. Along with polling for
interests for NCO or Relay stations, we also would like to know the
interest of operators willing to check into the net on a relatively
regular basis. Please send an email to Steve Wooten, ADEC for District C
at and cc if you are interested in
participating in the net and in particular whether you would like to
serve as a NCO and/or Relay Station. The more interest we have in these
positions, the more chance we have in rotating these positions and
providing additional training for the net.
Steve, KC0QMU